Welcome to our NU Blog


Welcome to NUMU’s NU blog, a regular behind-the-scenes look at all things NUMU! I’m about three months in to my new role as NUMU’s executive director, and my conversations with you so far have all had something in common: our Los Gatos and Bay Area communities need a platform to share, respond, and learn from each other, with a focus on how arts and culture can help us recover and build resiliency during the pandemic. When the pandemic started, the American Alliance of Museums estimated that one in three museums would close forever. NUMU adapted quickly, developing an exciting series of virtual programming that showed us all the benefits of the virtual realm: we have visited artists’ studios, seen artist demonstrations, learned about historic artifacts, and encountered art and history in a way we weren't able to before. We grew our audience online, which was an exciting silver lining. So what’s next? 

One way NUMU wants to stay connected to you is with a new online platform for community voices, a blog called Voices of Resilience. We’ll take an inside look with our staff at some of the exciting projects underway while NUMU is closed to the public, like our Los Gatos History Project and virtual exhibitions. We want to feature the voices of artists, historians, art enthusiasts, and more, and help promote a dialogue that will keep us connected and thriving. With a vision to offer equal and equitable representation, opportunities, and services to all stakeholders, we want to hear the ideas and experiences of our wider community. Does this sound like a good idea to you? 

I know that you have a voice that needs to be heard. Please reach out to programs@numulosgatos.org (or me, ed@numulosgatos.org) with your blog post ideas, questions, and connections. We can’t wait to get to know you better–virtually!

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Ami Davis
Executive Director