NUMU adopts innovative approach to exploring town history through art, artifacts and spotlight exhibits.
Andrea Borsuk, Radiant Light: the Story of Eastfield Ming Quong, mural detail, 2017
To celebrate our rich history, New Museum Los Gatos is pleased to present the Los Gatos History Gallery. In keeping with the museum’s special brand of intersecting art and history, the gallery features original murals by artist Andrea Borsuk. While the murals carefully capture images, ephemera and snippets of time from Los Gatos history, they are combined with important objects from our collection, creating an overlapping history of time and place. Like a modern day scrapbook, the gallery will continue to add layers of stories that highlight the people places and things that make Los Gatos unique. Themes explored in the History Gallery include:
Origins and Beginnings
Creativity and Inspiration
Industry: Harvesting Agriculture to Harvesting Ideas
During the first phase of the Gallery’s evolution that began in 2016, Borsuk created a series of community specific landscape murals that chart a course through the Santa Cruz Mountains to Los Gatos and explore the characteristics of the town. The second phase of the gallery was realized in a series of murals that provide the story backdrop for the Ming Quong Orphanage for Chinese girls founded in the 1930s in Los Gatos that exists today as Uplift Family Services. Radiant Light: The Story of Eastfield Ming Quong, was exhibited in NUMU's Michael and Alyce Parsons Reception Area in 2016. The final installation phase of the History Gallery was completed in February 2018.
Major support for the Los Gatos History Gallery is provided by the McManis Faulkner Law Corporation.
Additional support is provided by The Farrington Foundation, The Los Gatos Community Foundation, EMQ Guild (Happy Dragon Thrift Shop), EMQ Auxiliary (Butter Paddle Gift Shop), and Maggie Leach.
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