Date: Thursday, Oct 20, 2022
6 - 6:40pm PT - Humorous Performance feat. Kathy Aoki as “Curator” in NUMU’s Gallery - Performance length approx. 35 minutes.
5 - 8pm PT - Please join us for refreshments and light bites before and after Aoki’s performance.
Location: New Museum Los Gatos
Tickets: Program Included with Standard Museum Admission Rates
Drink Tickets: $5 - May be purchased ahead or day-of
NUMU's mission is to make programming accessible to all. Donations directly support the museum’s exhibitions and educational programs. Please contribute whatever you are able.
Buried Balloon Flower (2022), digital painting.
Performing in character as the “Curator of the Museum of Historical Makeovers,” Kathy Aoki will give a humorous lecture on “Koons Ruins,” the estate of imagined art collector Dorothea Vadas James who sets out to destroy the works of world-famous artist Jeff Koons. Known for her fictitious academic excellence, Aoki will reveal the historical underpinnings of the estate, the twists and turns that led to collector James’ quiet fury, and the mission of the Save the Public Eye Foundation that currently manages the estate. Suspension of disbelief is highly recommended, but not required.
Come early or stay late to immerse yourself in Kathy Aoki’s exhibition Koons Ruins at the James Estate in the Mike and Alyce Parsons Gallery at NUMU. This satirical, museum-style installation features prints, paintings, and a peephole diorama that tell the story of “Koons Ruins.”
Koons Ruins at the James Estate is sponsored in part by the Borgenicht Foundation and Wanda Kownacki.
In accordance with the New Museum Los Gatos, masks are required while inside the museum. Masks are not required for participants that can show proof of their up-to-date* Covid vaccination.
Do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in close contact or tested positive within the past 10 days.
*Up-to-date with their vaccines, which includes booster doses at regular time points.