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Opening Reception: On the Shoulders of Giants: Selected Works from the Atelier Masters and Students

Opening Reception:
On the Shoulders of Giants: Selected Works from the Atelier Masters and Students
May 17th, 2019 | 6-8pm

Sarah Sedwick, ​The World​, 12” X 24”, Image courtesy of Artist

Sarah Sedwick, ​The World​, 12” X 24”, Image courtesy of Artist

Celebrate the opening of the exhibition of On the Shoulders of Giants: Selected Works from the Atelier Masters and Students, with exhibiting artists.  The exhibition showcases all levels of mastery in the traditional style of classical drawing and painting through the works of NUMU Atelier artists and Director, Gabriel Coke.

6-7pm NUMU Members Preview | Free | RSVP here
7-8pm, Public Reception, All welcome
Free with Admission | Free for Members
Cash wine bar and light refreshments

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