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In Conversation with Photographer Ilka Hartmann & Author Lise Pearlman

In Conversation with Photographer Ilka Hartmann & Author Lise Pearlman

Thurs. July 12th

4:30-6:30pm    Ilka Hartmann will in be the NUMU galleries for informal Q&A with visitors

7:00-8:30pm    "Talk by  Lisa Pearlman  about her new book "Call Me Phaedra. The Life and Times of Movement Lawyer Fay Stender", also a short trailer about the Huey Newton Trial."

Free to Members  |  $10 non-members  |  RSVP Requested

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Join us for a joint conversation and book release* event with photographer Ilka Hartmann and author Lise Pearlman ( a retired judge).  Pearlman’s new book, Call me Phaedra: The Life and Times of Movement Lawyer Fay Stender, examines the rise and success of the Bay Area civil rights lawyer. The saga of this feminist icon will fascinate those who lived through the tumultuous 1960s and 1970s. Stender became a tireless advocate for society’s most scorned and vilified defendants from the Rosenberg espionage case in the early 1950s to Black Panther leader Huey Newton and revolutionary prisoner George Jackson.  
Joining Pearlman is photographer Ilka Hartmann whose powerful and moving photographs of Huey Newton and the Black Panthers are featured in the current exhibit, Faces of Resistance: Through the Lens of Ilka Hartmann, and in Pearlman’s book. Like Pearlman, Hartmann was an early civil rights advocate. Her photographs have been exhibited around the globe and featured in over 50 books and multiple documentaries. Subjects include: Black Panther movement, Native American occupation of Alcatraz, United Farm Workers, early AIDS and LGBT movement, Anti-Vietnam War, and many other important
social justice leaders and movements.
*Signed copies available for sale at NUMU