Celestial Vistas | Robert Kooima and Vanessa Marsh
October 15, 2015 - February 14, 2016
Vanessa Marsh, Mountains, 2014.
Robert Kooima, Total Perspective Vortex, 2005. Still
Celestial Vistas brings together the work of professor and computer scientist Robert Kooima and artist Vanessa Marsh. Kooima's Total Perspective Vortex, is an Electro application capable of rendering a database of 1,533,774 stars in real time 3D. Using gaming controls, museum viewers will navigate within a volume 1,000 light-years in extent. Mars is an Electro application that invites exploration of the surface of the planet Mars using a demand-paged terrain renderer. Oakland artist Vanessa Marsh explores the intersections of man made, natural and cosmological power through a mixed media process based in photography. Her work brings to form imagined landscapes and intensely starlit skies, highlighting both a personal as well as a collective experience of the world.