ArtNow Social Media Kit

Congratulations on being accepted into ArtNow 2025: Dreamscapes! We are so excited to share your art with our community and would like to encourage you to do the same. Here are a few things to help you with that process.

Follow NUMU on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / TikTok / Bluesky

Feel free to share your acceptance with friends and family with this image we’ve made for you:

If you post, be sure to say where you are exhibiting (New Museum Los Gatos) and when (Apr 4-Jul 20, 2025) to make it easier for people to come to see your work. Tag us! We want to see your posts. If you have a public account, send us your post, we’d be happy to share it.

A quick note about our name: We are called New Museum Los Gatos or NUMU. Not “the New Museum…” or “New Museum of…” or even “NuMu.”

Suggested hashtags: #numulg #artnowatnumu

Decide with your legal guardian if sharing on social media is right for you.

Some translations may be amateur or machine-translated.
Report a problem or request a different language.